"Reduce CO2"

Have you ever thought if we could know how much our eco actions achieved for the solution of global warming?


My Record

I reduced about 91,272g CO2 and saved 9,274yen so far.



In this app, the actions which save our planet from global warming are categorized into “daily life”,”water use”, “power use” and “car use” in order for all generations to use this app and start any eco actions we can do. If we push buttons of each eco action, it will calculate the amount of CO2 reduction and the amount of money we save. The purpose I made this app is to make our habits to save the earth.

person holding clear glass ball



地球温暖化による我々を取り巻く環境への影響は計り知れません。2030年までの日本におけるCO2削減目標は6億1800万tです。漠然と不安な日々を過ごし、誰かが何かを変えてくれるのをただ待つのではなく、できることからコツコツと一人一人が地球を守るActionを選択することが大切です。習慣化するまでに必要な日数の平均と言われている66日間のEco Actionの一助となればと考えています。

To motivate

We can get badges or trophies if we achieve some ratio to keep our motivation. The goal of the amount of CO2 reduction in this app is 66kg. However, it’s just 0.026% of our goal of the amount of CO2 reduction until 2030 for each of us. I hope that the app will give us chance to take action, make habits and think global.

Eco Action

Daily Life

Water Use

Power Use

Car Use

Reduce CO2



参考・引用Web Page

環境庁    環境庁.”家庭でできる温暖化対策”.家庭エコ(うちえこ)診断制度.2023

ナガタ産業  ナガタ産業.”エコバッグを使ってCO2を削減!”.身近な消費生活と環境.地球に優しい生活を実践しよう!
Naito Takeshi

I work as a junior high school English teacher in Japan. I have started learning "SwiftUI" since this summer because I have two reasons.

First, we are learning and thinking about SDGs especially NO.13, "climate change", in the Period for Integrated Studies. Then I thought I should do something for global warming and decided to make an app which can show us how much CO2 we have reduced to help any generations think about the earth.

Second, I would like to try what I absolutely don't know to have humble curiosity and to understand students' feeling. In the beginning, I thought it was really tough, but gradually I could understand and I could think it's interesting to create something.

Now I really like coding and making websites. I can say that I find a wonderful hobby. I enjoy my free time thinking eco actions and doing my favorite things. Thanks for visiting.

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